Newcastle Online Seller Meetup

We held our regular Newcastle Online Seller Meetup on 15th September. Hosted by Darren at We Are Digitl, the event was led by expert’s talks on Amazon, eBay and Fulfilment.

Victor Corcoran, CEO at Xsellco explained the importance of Repricing to win the buy box. For the sellers with branded products, buy box means either sales or no sales. Alongside other factors, pricing plays an important role to win the buy box which is when Repricer can help. You can find more details on this slide deck

This screenshot shows a good example of an account where Repricing can help increase buy box %

win amazon-buy-box with xsellco

Xsellco is offering exclusive 25% off discount on any product for 3 months. To get this offer sign up for a free trial and email  with promo code: Online Seller UK

Laura Mathieson, an eBay expert gave a clear view on eBay SEO. She explained the importance of listing product on a correct category; item specifics and how title research can help you find popular keywords. Please find more on this slide deck

Laura is delivering eBay Masterclass on 26th of this month and again on 24th October. The session will be delivered in a small group and aimed to give you proven tips to scale up your eBay business. Please find out more and register here.  

Iain Hill, general manager at Vdepot, a Norfolk based fulfilment centre explained how fulfilment centres can help scale up your online business. With the growth of online sellers, fulfilment centres are getting competitive and often cheaper option compared to Amazon FBA. Iain also mentioned that Vdepot is keen on helping small sellers with low volume of sales.

Our Newcastle Online Seller Meetup is here to help you sell better online. Whether you are selling on eBay or Amazon or on your website, our Meetup is here for you to meet other online sellers and industry experts. So, be sure be with us in our next Meetup.