Amazon B2B Selling – Introduction

We have all heard about Amazon’s B2B platform through our seller central in the past few months and it is very likely that you have signed up for it already. If you have, you will be able to access a suite of features designed to help drive sales to businesses, including VAT-exclusive pricing and VAT invoicing.

Amazon Business generated more than one billion dollars in revenue in its first 12 months, with sellers accounting for over half of the orders. Amazon Business has shipped to business customers in more than 60 countries, serving more than 400,000 businesses worldwide.

With Amazon Business, customers have access to exclusive business offers, whilst sellers can now display VAT- exclusive prices to business customers and provide VAT invoices for all customers by enrolling in the free VAT Calculation Service.  [ Questions? Contact Amazon Business ]

As a seller, business account gives you the ability to:

#1 Create Business only listings visible for business buyers only

#2 Offer Bulk pricing or quantity discounts for businesses only

#3 VAT exclusive EU-wide price display


Sellers on Amazon Business will have the opportunity to grow their sales by reaching new business customers – from small businesses to large multi-national organisations, as well as institutional buyers like universities, hospitals and non-profits.

Amazon b2b sales

Illustrates how you see your sales in Business Reports.


Who can sign up for an Amazon Business account?

Anyone with professional account can do free upgrade to Amazon Business, VAT is not required. VAT is required only for badging, which increases the visibility for the seller.

More details here >>

 What are the Fees?

No additional fees other than monthly professional selling fees of £25.00. There are same referral fees as business seller. More details here >> (login required)

There are discounts for higher volume transaction on certain categories – consumer electronics, office supplies, tools and home improvement, personal computers and industrial and scientific products as below:

Amazon Business Fees Discount

Here’s an example / calculation.

You can do your own calculation on this Google Sheet >>


#1 How to identify business transactions?

> > Business transactions are identified by the Business Buyer label in Order Details and the is-business-order flag in Order Reports.

#2 Can we do FBA?

>> Yes you can. Fees are as normal and details are here >>

Sign to Amazon Business today >>