Amazon Business Seller Program

Amazon in the US has been showing their Business Seller Program aiming to target business customers.

Would you be interested enrolling this program when it is in the UK?

With this program Amazon Business customers will be able to additional discounts for buying bulk items where as sellers will get special features like Business-Only Offers and Quantity Pricing.

Eligibility to enrol into this program is tougher:

  • An Order-Defect Rate (ODR) of .5% or less.
  • Pre-shipment Cancellation Rate of less than 1%.
  • Late Shipment Rate of less than 2%.
  • Few chargebacks, A-to-z Guarantee claims, and negative feedback. Learn more about chargebacks, A-to-z Guarantee claims, and negative feedback.

There are more details about Business Seller fees on video below: