Selling on marketplaces like eBay is becoming not an option any-more. eBay is an opportunity for small and big retailers alike. Surprisingly, quite a lot of retailers are not trading on eBay. You may have noticed recently 50% of its top deals on eBay during Black Friday week was included from small businesses. This is quite significant for small retailers as it has become one of the most busies shopping week. Getting visibility next to brand like Argos is add added bonus.
If you have not started selling on eBay yet, this is a perfect time for you to start experimenting. Start simple with a basic account!
Recently, a team from Manchester based computer recycling firm attended our tailored eBay Professional course. The part of the team were experienced sellers and some were new. Our tailored course catered all. We discussed practical topics like how to get on the top of best match search results, using eBay promotional tools, eBay email marketing, enhancing eBay listings and competitor analysis. Most importantly, it was tailored to suit members of the team with plenty of opportunity to ask their product related questions. They went way with lots of new ideas and a plan for next 6 months.
Taking time off work to get involved in training like this is always challenging but it is well worth investing. It gives you fresh insight about your business and you will go away with more knowledge and understanding helping your business move forward fairly quicker.
For more details please visit or contact Prabhat on twitter @OnlineSellerUK, via email or you can call +44 (0) 29 2236 2596