We have had another successful Online Seller Meetup at GS1UK HQ in London. As always this was well attended by 30+ online sellers. They sell on eBay, Amazon, Cdiscount and Website. This event was sponsored by Plentymarkets UK and we covered the following topics:
#1 Google Shopping Best Practices
#2 eCommerce with Plentymarkets
#3 How to avoid Amazon Account Suspension?
#4 How to Create Killer Amazon Listings?
Prabhat, founder at Online Seller UK, gave insightful information on Google Shopping. It is certainly helping retailers be found with very good ROI compared to traditional text ads. Some retailers are experiencing up to 130% higher conversion rate on Google Shopping ads compared to text ads. So, it is well worth spending time and budget on this. Please find more about Google Shopping talk on this [ slide deck ]
This talk followed with an expert insight on how Plentymarkets can enable online sellers sell better on Amazon, eBay and other marketplaces in the Europe. Plentymarkets is a cloud based software and it comes ready to use without much setup. The screenshot below shows how to list to all other platforms with a single click of a button.

If you are a FBA seller and would like to fulfil your eBay orders then Plentymarkets can do this automatically for you. Multichannel fulfilment comes at an additional cost on Amazon because Amazon don’t get the share of commission on sale.
The screenshot below shows how to automate this process via Plentymarkets.

The screenshot below shows the order screen from which you will print and dispatch orders.

The screenshot below shows setting up email templates for order confirmation.

The screenshot below shows how your messages are integrated in one place so you answer all your messages from one screen saving you lot of time every morning.

The screenshot below shows how you can import listings from other marketplaces with ease.

The event carried on with a discussion on how to avoid Amazon suspension. Sellers face a huge challenge to get their accounts back up and running so it is worth investing time to avoid suspension. A few key reasons for suspension are high order defect rate, late dispatch and violation of Amazon listing policy. These are all generally avoidable as we do get a warning before suspension on most cases.
The last talk for the evening was creating listing that sells on Amazon and a few key areas to focus on are creating keyword focused product title, multiple images with 1000 px on the longest side, key features with best selling points, content rich description and rich product reviews with images and videos. You can find more about this talk on this
It really was an insightful evening with lots to learn from the experts and other online sellers. If you have never been to one of our events book your May ticket and it is all free.