With 40+ businesses in attendance, 1st August Manchester Online Seller Meetup at Rise, Deansgate was a great success. In
attendance we had majority of businesses selling on online and others planning to sell online.
We had two expert talks during this evening starting off with Abu from PlentymarketsUK talking about expanding into Europe. Abu’s talk focused on considering English speaking countries, logistics, returns and language. You can find out more on his slides below:
Speaker Slides : Borderless eCommerce
Our second presentation was an interesting one, building your website for £50.00 by Darren from Wearedigitl. Darren explained how to put together cost effective resources to build a website. You can find more on his slides below:
Speaker Slides: Get a £5000 website for £50
Finally, I rounded up the the evening with eBay and Amazon SEO best practices talk with real life examples. We discussed some proven search ranking tips and tools. It was quite enjoyable evening with an hours time to network with other online sellers and industry experts.
If you have never been to our Manchester Online Seller Meetup, we’d love to see you there. They are free to attend and they will definitely add value to your business. Our next Meetup is on 29th September and you can register free today.
Some Additional Links for building websites:
Simply Docs – Website Term of Use – E-Commerce Sale of Goods
ThemeForest Magento Search:
Simple Servers Magento Hosting: