
Brighton Online Seller Meetup Networking

Brighton Online Seller Meetup Speaker Slides

Our first Brighton Online Seller Meetup was a really successful with 25 businesses in attendance. Held at the Grand, Brighton, we had expert speakers from PlentymarketsUK, Vdepot, Sitevisibility and Tamebay. Each talks lasted for 25 mins with actionable tips for online sellers. Note: We also delivered Amazon SEO and Marketing Training on behalf of #BrightonSEO

Manchester Online Seller meeup

01/08 Manchester Online Seller Meetup

With 40+ businesses in attendance, 1st August Manchester Online Seller Meetup at Rise, Deansgate was a great success. In attendance we had majority of businesses selling on online and others planning to sell online. We had two expert talks during this evening starting off with Abu from PlentymarketsUK talking about expanding into Europe. Abu’s talk focused

Josie @ Xsellco in our Birmingham Online Seller Meetup

Updates: Birmingham Online Seller Meetup 14/07

We had a successful second Birmingham Online Seller Meetup on 14th July. We had attendance with mix of audience, from local businesses to businesses from Northampton, Oxfordshire and Essex. The sellers represented various categories including electronics, car parts, roof tiles and dvd games. It was a  good mix of friendly sellers which made the evening really

Full of Online Sellers and Retailers - Newport Online Seller Meetup

Newport Online Seller Meetup 29/06

We had a really enjoyable evening yesterday with our Newport Online Seller Meetup. We had attendance from 20 businesses and they came from Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Newport. There were sellers already selling online on Marketplaces ( eBay & Amazon ) and Website and sellers who are exploring online avenue. Really mixed audience! Our first