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3x More Sales Year on Year with Under 4% Total ACoS

Natural Tone Organic Skincare, a trusted family-owned brand since 2004, crafts high-quality organic products, embodying a commitment to toxin-free living and holistic well-being. We partnered with them earlier this year to help boost their ad sales. Our objectives were as follows:

  • Lift sales in a short period despite the seasonal nature of their products.
  • Drive sales growth by reaching new audiences.
  • Improve brand awareness.


To address these objectives, we implemented the following approach:

Product Content Enhancement: We updated their product content, infographics, and brand story to create a compelling and informative shopping experience for their customers. By highlighting the natural and organic aspects of their products and emphasising their commitment to a toxin-free lifestyle, they aimed to attract health-conscious consumers.

A+ Pages: We optimised their A+ pages with appealing and engaging content to give shoppers an enhanced understanding of their products.

Progressive Ad Campaigns: We implemented a strategic ad campaign approach. Initially, we focused on sponsored product ads to increase visibility and drive sales. As the campaign progressed, we expanded to include brand and display ads to reinforce brand awareness and reach a wider audience.


Our approach yielded significant results, demonstrating the effectiveness of the strategies employed.

  • Sales Uplift: Within the first four months of implementing the new approach, Natural Tone Organic Skincare experienced a remarkable 3x increase in sales compared to the previous year. This surge in sales showcased the effectiveness of their revised product content and optimised A+ pages in capturing customers’ attention and driving purchases.
  • Advertising Contribution: Advertising played a pivotal role in achieving sales growth. Amazon advertising efforts accounted for over 40% of their total sales, indicating the significant impact of their ad campaigns on driving customer engagement and conversions.
  • ACoS and Total ACoS: The results regarding advertising efficiency were impressive. Their Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) was maintained at 8%, highlighting their ability to generate sales at a reasonable cost. Moreover, their Total ACoS, including advertising and organic sales, was a remarkable 3.6%. This low Total ACoS signifies that most of their sales were organic, a testament to the improved brand awareness and increased organic searches resulting from their efforts.

Working with Online Seller UK was pleastant. Their simple yet effective strategies tripled our sales in just a few months. What’s remarkable is their ability to balance costs and results, creating a sustainable growth plan for us. – Paul Hunt, Natural Tone Organic Skincare


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