Amazon is certainly the biggest online retailer in the UK and with its ever growing reach; manufacturer and retailers’ interest has risen to
increase online revenue through the platform without spending too much time on setting up the operation and promotion their own website.
Amazon provides seamless experience to the visitors whose intent is shopping rather than fact finding. Shoppers get opportunity to choose from ever increasing catalogue of products with various delivery options including one hour delivery in some urban areas. On Amazon, shopper’s primary navigation method is search and it is crucial for any seller on Amazon to have optimised listing to increase visibility.
With lot of opportunities for third party sellers on Amazon, it has been increasingly difficult to be found and understanding the factors that influence visibility is important. At the same time manufacturer and retailers needs to understand how they can leverage Amazon’s marketing services to increase visibility and increased sales.
To help digital marketers share this understanding to the wider audience we recently delivered Amazon SEO and Marketing Training as a part of BrightonSEO Conference. In audience we had Brand Owners, Digital Agencies, Manufacturer and Distributors. The course went well with good engagement from the audience and we looked UK businesses success stories on Amazon.
The course was restructured to suit attendees profile and we covered from the basics to best practices about selling on Amazon. Here are few key points we covered:
– Understanding How Amazon SERP Works
– Product listing Optimisation Best Practices & Examples
-Sponsored Ads: Automatic vs Manual
-Harvesting Amazon’s sponsored products data for organic ranking
-Leveraging Amazon’s marketing services: Headline Search Ads & Product Display Ads
-Gaining visibility for new products
-Exploring differentiation strategy with product bundles and multi-buy offers
-Leveraging Amazon’s promotions to increase basket value and encourage repeat sales
-Leveraging Amazon Repricer to increase sales
-Taking opportunities for international growth with Amazon’s FBA
-Protecting your Brand from Infringement
-Complementary Amazon Keyword Tools
If you are thinking to sell on Amazon, this course will help you to understand the best practices and if you are already selling on Amazon, this course will help you to understand how you can optimise your listings and stay ahead of the competition. To book an interest please contacts #BrightonSEO team today.