Our Birmingham Online Seller Meetup went fantastically well at Comfort Inn this evening. In attendance we had 25 businesses selling on Marketplaces and their own website. Apart from Birmingham, sellers came from London, Sheffield, Preston, and Leicester. We have received some really good testimonials:
| I have a huge respect for Prabhat – he’s a genuine, knowledgeable educator in a sector with too many ‘gurus’ who just want to take money from newbies. He is also helpful in making connections within the business.Hearing Andy Valentine from Payonner really made me think about how enormous the opportunity is now to build a global diversified business from a laptop!I will certainly endeavour to make one of Prabhat’s meeting every month as it is an important part of my business strategy. – John Waine
Andy from Payoneer gave us talk on global ecommerce and how payoneer can help UK businesses with innovative payment solutions. Andy gave a very good insight on how Brexit work positive to exporting British online business. You can find more on this slide deck >>
Payoneer is a preferred payment solution for Amazon. You can use it to receive Amazon payments and also payout to your suppliers having Payoneer account.
Andy’s talk followed by Josie’s talk about beyond repricing with Xsellco. Xsellco’s repricing solution provides net repricing which ensure that you sell your products on profit. You can find more on this slide deck >>
Xsellco provides productivity solution software for Amazon sellers including Repricer, Customer service tool – fusion.
The evening ended on time with Q and A. We covered topics like Branding, Buy Box and Amazon SEO.
We will be back in Birmingham in October. We will be taking your business related questions this evening so please bring any questions regarding Marketplaces and your own website marketing. Tickets are available for booking.
REGISTER 31st October Online Seller Meetup