“An excellent conference which acted as the motive for me to start selling online with my company Baby Casts & Prints. I attended last year as a guest and this year as a speaker recounting my experiences of the last 12 months.”
Chris Buckley – Manchester
It was another fantastic conference in Manchester organised in collaboration with Digitl . The venue was the UKfast campus and I am humbled by their support for the 3rd year running. In attendance, there were 80+ online sellers and businesses. The topics were diverse – SEO, Paid Ads, Amazon, Fulfilment, Content Marketing, Sourcing and PR & Branding.
We’d like to thank our sponsors Khaoscontrol Cloud, Vdepot and Khoocommerce.
They were all extremely useful and we have had lots of positive feedback. We will be back next year with another line up of speakers.
If you have never been to our conference before, sign up for our newsletter to get notified about all of our future meetups and conferences. Next year’s conference again will cover a variety of current topics and will include speakers from the US, Germany and Australia.
Please find all speaker slide-decks below:
#1 Using technology for your business growth
Speaker: Jason Thickpenny is a consultant, helping businesses streamline their processes to support growth. Supporting the change from a good business into a great enterprise.
Company: Khaos Control Solutions Ltd
Website: https://khaoscloud.com
#2 How 3PL’s are changing the retail landscape
Speaker: Iain Hill is General Manager at Vdepot and is extremely passionate about eCommerce. Having first hand experience of selling online, Iain is well aware of the problems of a small start up business and aims to help every online business that he comes across.
Company: Vdepot
Website: http://vdepot.co.uk/
#3 Sourcing the right products for your retail business
Speaker: Vicky Powell specialises in the entire sourcing process from Asia; covering product development, finding the right supplier, branding, packaging and shipping.Company: RBQ Consultancy
Website: http://rbqconsultancy.co.uk
#4 Amazon Vendor: What it means to sell wholesale to Amazon
Speaker: Katherine Khoo manages the eCommerce platforms iPages and Khoo Commerce, supporting numerous multi-channel eCommerce retailers online.
Company:Khoo Systems Limited
Website: https://www.khoocommerce.com
#5 Amazon Business Growth Case Study
Speaker: Chris Buckley is an experienced web designer and current owner of Pixel Kicks who decided to start an online business specialising in casting products
Company:Baby Casts & Prints
Website: https://babycastsandprints.co.uk/
#7 GDPR – Don’t Panic (Yet!)
Speaker: Steve Kuncewicz specialises in intellectual property, media and communications-related issues, working mainly with the creative, digital, technology and advertising sector with a nationally-recognised niche specialism in issues involving social media.
Website: https://www.blmlaw.com
#8 What questions should you ask your eCommerce agency?
Speaker: Darren Ratcliffe has almost 20 years industry experience in the digital sector and has been running his own agency for the past 10 years.
Website: http://digitl.agency
#9 Content Marketing for E-commerce: Driving Customers & Improving Visibility Through Content
Speaker: Stacey MacNaught is a Freelance SEO and Content Marketing Specialist based just outside Manchester. She began writing web copy in 2006 before starting an SEO career with a Manchester agency in 2009. Her 9 years of agency experience saw her progress from an SEO trainee to Head of Search and ultimately Director responsible for the delivery of SEO and content marketing for all agency accounts.
Company: Stacey MacNaught Ltd
Website: https://www.staceymacnaught.co.uk
#10 Avoiding Suspensions & Getting Accounts Back
Speaker: Anthony Famularo is a Partner and Managing Attorney at Rosenbaum Famularo, P.C. (“Amazon Sellers’ Lawyer), the only law firm in the US that focuses on the needs of Amazon sellers. Anthony has been with the firm since it was founded. As Managing Attorney, he has experience in handling hundreds of cases for Amazon Sellers of all sizes dealing with both buyer and rights owner complaints, as well as other suspension issues.
Company: Amazonsellerslawyer
Website: http://www.amazonsellerslawyer.com/
Speaking Opportunity – Please get send in your details here >>
Sponsor Opportunity – Please schedule a call with Prabhat Shah