Event description
Google Ad-words are a great way to increase the visibility of your website in Google – and drive targeted traffic and customers to it. The Ad-words market is becoming increasingly competitive and you need to create an effective strategy – otherwise you will be spending your money and not getting enough return.
This jargon free Ad-words training shows you how to create successful search campaigns, explore best practice tools and techniques and learn how you can get the most out of Google Ad-words. This workshop is tailored to suit your individual business, so expect to go away with a Google Adwords implementation plan for your business.
*We are giving away FREE vouchers redeemable for New Adwords Accounts.
Who is this workshop suited to?
People with experience of offline marketing
People who have worked in other digital sectors aiming to increase on-line revenue with extra channel
Digital Marketers, Directors, Managers
This workshop covers:
· How Adwords Pay per Click (PPC) works
· Understanding Quality Score, how improving quality can lower your PPC & ROI
· Setting appropriate objectives and goals for your Adwords Campaigns
· Set Key Performance Indicators will measure performance
· How to Identify the profitable keyword phrases
· Tools available to for your research
· How to increase click-through rates (CTRs) and lower costs
· How to take advantage of Long Tail Keywords
· How relevant landing pages can boost conversion rates
· Exploring bid strategy & selecting the right bidding strategy for your campaign
· How to integrate your PPC activity in with Google Analytics or other analytics solutions
Mark Thompson, Director and Head of Innovation at Techlan Ltd, February 25, 2015
I recently attended a Google Ad’s workshop hosted by Prabhat.
I found it very informative and Prabhat communicated the requirements, benefits and pitfalls of GA very well.
Christine Smith, Owner of CSwebmedia, February 24, 2015
I have just completed a seminar on Google Adwords which was run by Prabhat for Software Alliance Wales. What a great day! Prabhat is a mine of information which he is happy to share. He answered all our tangential questions knowledgeably but also kept bringing us back to the main teaching issue for the day. Thanks Prabhat!
Edward Sweby, Axium Process Ltd, February 23, 2015,
Taking an AdWords course Prabhat gave an informative course that inspired plenty of ideas of how I can personally use AdWords to perform better for the company I work for.
Mike Bews, Director & Owner at Imagitech LTD
I attended a one day course on Google Adwords, given by Prabhat in Swansea, Feb 2015. The course was interesting, thought provoking, educational and useful. I came away from it with a better understanding of SEO / SEM, how Google Ads works and how a Google Ads campaign can be fine tuned to reduce costs and maximise the benefit / ROI.
Can’t make this event or looking for bespoke course? We are happy to provide onsite Google Adwords training to you and your team. Call us on 07518839629 to pen a date on our diary!
*Refreshments Included