PlentymarketsUK has announced new pricing model without fixed monthly charges. This is particularly could be interest if you are starting out and don’t want to outlay set cost along with paying eBay and Amazon monthly charge. In addition to this, you have opportunity to setup your own eCommerce shop along with hosting at no fixed cost. This seems to be too much for free !
Say if you are starting out and you have 30 orders of £5.00 per day which is £150.00 of monthly sales. For this you
will be paying £4.50 in that month which is 3% of your sale. You will also be paying 13% roughly including Paypal for eBay transactions and 15%. for Amazon . This could be a good start for any startup business without having to layout fixed cost.
I can see this working quite well with startup businesses and where fairly growing businesses are concerned it does worth checking estimated cost on their price calculator
Carsten Brassel, country director of Plentymarkets UK will be with us this week in our Brighton Online Seller Meetup if you’d like to discuss your case personally.