birmingham amazon seller meetup

Josie @ Xsellco in our Birmingham Online Seller Meetup

Updates: Birmingham Online Seller Meetup 14/07

We had a successful second Birmingham Online Seller Meetup on 14th July. We had attendance with mix of audience, from local businesses to businesses from Northampton, Oxfordshire and Essex. The sellers represented various categories including electronics, car parts, roof tiles and dvd games. It was a  good mix of friendly sellers which made the evening really

Karl at Storefeeder talking about building a very successful eCommerce

Birmingham Online Seller Meetup Update

We had an interesting week with our first Birmingham Seller Meetup. The attendance was good with experienced sellers on both eBay and Amazon. We had expert talks from > World First > Vdepot > GS1UK > Storefeeder It was excellent time right after the first day of IRX, 2016. Our goal was to bring experts