We held our latest online seller meetup in Manchester with guest speakers from Streetpricer, eBay repricing tool, Jason at Khaos control cloud, ERP tool. Cardy at Streetpricer spoke with us remotely about how to be competitive on eBay. With the rife competition on eBay, repricing is proving successful to many sellers to bring in successful
Sponsored by Khaos Control, our first 2018 Manchester Meetup was organised last week with three fantastic topics on e-commerce. Each presentation lasted for 20 minutes with a Q & A round at the end. It was a relaxed evening with lots to learn and a chance to network with other online sellers. Please find below
We held our last set of online seller Meetups in Manchester and London last week. As always we had a group of 25-30 online sellers and there were actionable for online sellers. If you have never been to one of our Meetups, I’d love to see you in 2018. Check out www.onlineselleruk.com for the latest
Manchester is undoubtedly hub for eCommerce businesses and we have been organising evening e-commerce events to help online sellers since 2 years. We have gone strength to strength with 30 attendees on average at each event. It is a good number to engage with, unlike other large events. Last week our event was held at
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