We check several aspects of your advertising campaigns and create an in-depth report. This includes:
An evaluation of your performance metrics: Evaluate campaign performance metrics like Cost per click (CPC), Impressions, Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS), Return on advertising spend (ROAS).
Evaluate your campaign structure: Evaluate your campaign structure based on the campaign goals.
Audit your ad groups: Review your adgroups to ensure that they perform to their maximum capacity, follow the right naming structure, and match the campaign goal.
Assess your targeting ads: Evaluate whether it is best to use auto and manual or either one of them to get the best return.
Analyse your keyword targeting: Evaluate your targeted keywords using your search term report.
Review your product listings: Evaluate your product listing to ensure the best performing keywords are included in your content.
Optimise your bids: Evaluate your keywords and bids to find out if they are cost-effective or have more potential.