Email Marketing

What is the best time to send an email campaign ?

We usually get asked what the best time to send email is and there isn’t same answer for all to this as there are so many other factors like content, subject to consider. So, the best to get answer to this is your own data which is available with Google Analytics. So, follow this step

Email Marketing Session with Paul Sochaczewski

In last few months I have had fantastic opportunity to meet different people in different UK cities. Amongst these, I spent some time with Paul Sochaczewski, an American writer and writing coach to discuss email marketing  and mailchimp. Before the day I spent some time studying his background and collected some insight on his books. This helped me plan

Email Marketing session with Paul-Spencer-Sochaczewski

Email Marketing 1-to-1 Session

Email Marketing is a cost effective way for getting new sales and creating a repeat business. It can be very easy if you have the right tools on hand and right expertise. Mailchimp could be one of may right tools for this. It attracts most businesses as it is free up to 2000 subscribers. It