
Amazon Sponsored Display Ads – Benefits and Use | Episode 122 #OnlineSellerUK Podcast with Hannah Whitlock

In this podcast episode, where we delve into the world of Amazon Sponsored Display Ads, exploring their benefits and practical applications. Join us as we have a captivating conversation with our guest, Hannah Whitlock. W hen should you be using Amazon Sponsored Display Ads ? Should you retarget by views or purchase behaviour? Should you

Intellectual Property Infringement on Amazon | Episode 121 #OnlineSellerUK Podcast with David Miller

In this podcast episode, we delve into the topic of intellectual property infringement on Amazon. Join us as we explore the following key points: What do sellers need to know about intellectual property? When it comes to communicating with rights owners, what do sellers need to know? How can sellers successfully appeal IP complaints?  

Hosted Buyer Program to incentivise buyer travel to India | #OnlineSellerUK Podcast, Lokesh Parashar

In this podcast, we discuss the following: What is the Federation Of Buying Agents (FBA)? What is a Hosted Buyer Program? Why are you doing community help?   Host: Prabhat Shah Guest: Lokesh Parashar ( https://fba.org.in/ ) YouTube >  Spotify > iTunes > ════════════════════════════════ Scale your Amazon Sales with Online Seller UK  

Item Level Profitability for Amazon Vendors| Episode 119 #OnlineSellerUK Podcast with Chris Khoo

In this podcast, we discuss the following: What is it and why is it important? What are the main factors to consider when examining profitability? Are there any hidden factors that contribute? What can a vendor do next? Host: Prabhat Shah Guest: Chris Khoo ( https://www.khoocommerce.com/ ) YouTube >  Spotify > iTunes > ════════════════════════════════ Scale

Amazon Marketing Stream | 118 #OnlineSellerUK Podcast with Brent Zahradnik from Amz Pathfinder

In this podcast, we discuss the following: What is Amazon Marketing Stream, and how can business owners access it? What are the most straightforward use cases for Amazon Marketing Stream? What will Amazon Marketing Stream offer in the future? Host: Prabhat Shah Guest: Brent Zahradnik ( https://www.amzpathfinder.com/) YouTube >  Spotify > iTunes > ════════════════════════════════ Scale

Off Amazon Marketing | Episode 117 #OnlineSellerUK Podcast with Rick Wong from Landing Cube

In this podcast, we discuss the following: Why is off-Amazon marketing important? What off-channels should Amazon sellers leverage? How can you ensure you get an ROI on your off-Amazon marketing efforts? How can LandingCube help in the process of generating traffic? Host: Prabhat Shah Guest: Rick Wong ( https://landingcube.com/ ) YouTube >  Spotify > iTunes

75% of UK Amazon sellers are overpaying VAT | Episode115 #OnlineSellerUK Podcast with Daniel Little

In this podcast, we discuss the following: How are sellers overpaying VAT? How often do you see these bookkeeping mistakes? What about those using an accountant, they’re ok, right? How can sellers avoid these mistakes? How can people get started with Link My Books?   Host: Prabhat Shah Guest: Daniel Little ( https://linkmybooks.com/ ) YouTube

Sourcing from Mexico | Ep 113 #OnlineSellerUK Podcast with Yuliya, Zignify Global Product Sourcing

In this podcast, we discuss the following: How easy is it to source from Mexico? How reasonable are the prices? What problems can I face?   Host: Prabhat Shah Guest: Yuliya Blinova ( https://zignify.net/ ) YouTube >  Spotify > iTunes > ════════════════════════════════ Scale your Amazon Sales with Online Seller UK